Kudi Ravenwood Dairy Goats

Quality Friendly Dairy Goats


Beautiful Doeling

Goat , Nigerian Dwarf , Kid (female) |Brown, Red, with Black

unregistered | DOB: 2/7/2024 (Under 1 yr)

Sire: Kudi Ravenwood Dairy Snickers

Kudi Ravenwood Dairy Snickers

Nigerian Dwarf Buck (male) Black with Brown, Red, Tan, White

ADGA# PD2355880,& nbsp;AGS# D-111366 DOB: 3/13/20222 yrs
  | ADGA# PD2355880, AGS# D-111366 | Black with Brown, Red, Tan, White
Dam: Kudi Ravenwood Loki

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SugarSnap is a beautiful doeling who is bottle fed and very loveable. Her sister, HoneySnap, a special needs goat needs to be a part of this purchase deal. I will give HoneySnap away with the purchase of SugarSnap to a very loving home.

Updated 8/27/2024