Kudi Ravenwood Dairy Goats

Quality Friendly Dairy Goats

All in the Family - Lucie and her girls

Lucie, Abby, Lexi, Lola, Lodi, and Lodi's Daughter, Cleo

Saturday afternoon and the chores are finished and my run has been booked in the records. As I was sitting down holding Eva, Lucie's great-granddaugher, Lucie and her girls were sitting under the juniper bush with me. It was touching to see my Lucie, the first goat we bought, sitting with her daughters and grand daughter. They all looked contented with their full bellies, lounging around without a care in the world. Lucie is an amazing mom who produced beautiful girls who are loving, have fantastic milk production, and are loving yet feisty. These girls stick together and when one of the other herd members outside of this family unit starts some garbage with one of these girls, they come together and stand up for one of their own being picked on. 

I can't believe  I have had goats for almost 4 years now...it has been a journey.